Switzerland County Commissioners’ Court – June 1870

The Switzerland County, Indiana, Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 16 Jun 1870 – Page 2, Column 1

Commissioners’ Court.

Among other business transacted by the Commissioners of this county at their present session was the following:

Mr. John Weaver, of Craig Township, was appointed Assessor of benefits to lands from the building of Turnpikes—vice Mr. David Cain, deceased.

The Directors of the Allensville, Center Square and Vevay Turnpike Company filed a petition asking for the privilege of constructing a road. Finding that they had complied with the law, the petition was granted. The road will be five miles long, 20 feet wide, 9 feet of which is to be macadamized with 9 inches of metal. The total cost of the roade will be $9.533.77-$5,800.00 of which has already been subscribed. Messrs. David Henry, John Weaver and John P. Stewart were appointed to assess the benefits to lands lying along said proposed road.

Mr. Jacob Bruner, of Patriot, was granted a License to retail liquors.

Messrs. Jordan Wainscott, P. Voris, and others, petitioned for a change of highway. Messrs. U. H. Stow, Wm. Wilson and Geo. Hastie, were appointed viewers.

Messrs. John D. Howard, S. Dehart, and others, petitioned for a change of highway; which was dismissed.

Mr. Christopher Waltz petitioned for a private road. Viewers reported favorable, and Messrs. John Stewart, David Shull and Alexander Kilpatrick were appointed Assessors of damages.

Mr. Ferdinand Luck, of Florence, was granted a License to retail liquor.

Mr. Wm. H. Robinson, of Mt. Sterling, petitioned for a License to retail liquor in Vevay. Dismissed for want of legal notice.

A petition from the North’s Landing and Quercus Grove Turnpike Company was presented, asking that they be allowed to construct a macadamized road.—Granted. The road will be five miles long, and will cost about $2,910.00 per mile. Messrs. David Henry, John Weaver and John Stewart, were appointed to assess benefits.

The County Treasurer reported that during the last three months, ending June 1st, he has redeemed County Ordered amounting to $29,902.40.

The Directors of the Log Lick and East Enterprise Turnpike Co. presented their petition asking that they be allowed to build a macadamized road; which was granted. Messrs. David Henry, John Weaver and Wm. J. Keeney, were appointed to Assess benefits. Length of road, seven miles. Estimated cost, $14,896.09; of which $9,875.00 has been subscribed.

A petition was also presented from the Directors of the Patriot and Quercus Grove Turnpike Co., asking that they be allowed to construct a macadamized road.—Granted. Length of road, four miles. Estimated cost, $12,930.46. Messrs. David Henry, John Weaver, and Lemuel Bledsoe were appointed to Assess benefits.

The County Auditor made a report showing receipts and expenditures of county revenue for the year ending May 31; a copy of which we publish in our advertising columns.

As we go to press, (Wednesday evening,) the Commissioners are engaged in settling with Mr. Wm. Mead for stone work done on the Log Lick Bridge.