Switzerland County Commissioners – Mar 1881

The Switzerland County Commissioners’ proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 17 Mar 1881 – Page 4, Column 1

County Business.

Among other business transacted at the session of the Commissioners last week was the following:

Thomas F. McCreary, Abner Gates, and others, withdrew their petition for a vacation and change of road through the land of Abraham Israel and others, in York.

The Vevay Lecture Association, being an Education Society, was granted the use of the Court House, upon conditions.

Thomas H. Downey placed on file the receipt of the County Treasurer for $7, in full of payment of money paid by the County to S. R. Tinker for a coffin furnished for James Downey, the said claim having been filed with the Board of Commissioners without knowledge or consent of the said Thomas H. Downey.

Geo. S. Pleasants was authorized to issue a fire insurance policy on the Court House for $5,000 for which he was to receive a premium of $75 for 3 years.

James S. Girard was granted a license to retail liquor in Vevay.

Eliakim Stoops, Abner Gates, G. Schrump, Thomas McCreary, and others, petitioned for a bridge over Log Lick Creek, near the residence of Thomas Armstrong, in York Township. M. G. Keeney was employed to make survey, plans and estimates.

Americus Benedict, County Treasurer, presented county orders amounting to $14,814.69, which he had redeemed during the last quarter. Found correct and cancelled.

The Auditor was ordered to advertise for sealed proposals to keep the poor farm two years from Dec. 1, 1881. Proposals to be opened at the June term of Commissioners.

W. P. Hall, Wm. Norisez and others, petitioned for a change, vacation, and re-location of the road known as the Tardy hill road. Wm. R. Protsman asked that the petition be dismissed.—Ebenezer Phillips, Abraham Montayne, and John A. Cunningham, were appointed to review the road Monday, March 21st.

Township Trustees made reports, which were approved.