Vevay Public Schools Promotions – 1884

Vevay Public Schools [Switzerland County, Indiana] promotions for 1884 appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 29 May 1884 – Page 5, Column 1

The following is a list of pupils promoted in Vevay Public Schools for the school year 1883-84. A number of pupils who failed in but one subject were promoted on condition; by passing an examination in the subject on which they were conditioned, they can be promoted at the beginning of next school year. The names of pupils promoted on condition are omitted from this list:


Graduated—Frank Detraz, Julia Dufour, Uly Griffith, Madge Patton, Nettie Rutherford, Hezzie Stratford, Mary E. Tardy, Minnie Thiebaud, Minnie Rochat.

Promoted to Senior Class—Ernest Danglade, A. W. Freeman, Josie Leap, Emma Miller, Stella Miller, Annie Pleasants, Percy Harwood.

Promoted to Intermediate Class—Carrol Cotton, Lelia Dufour, Clara Dufour, Oliver Given, Ida M. Gerard, Lulie Roberts, Samuel Stucy, Hannie Shaw, Minnie H. Simpson, Edwin G. Waldo, Lulu B. Ward.

Promoted to First Year—Frank Craig, Stella Danner, Mabel Griffith, Ada Hall, Anna Hilderbrand, Bell Hunt, Willie Holland, Julia Knox, Emory Miller, Laura Rochat, Armand Rous, Claud Siebenthal, Frank Stratford, Susie Turner, Jessie Worstell, Bertie Woolen.

Lora Anderson, Louisa Sackes, Flora Baker, Anna Boerner, Ida Brown, Nettie Bristow, Georgie Burrows, Cordie Danner, Americus Danner, Nettie Danglade, Gertrude Downey, Hannah Fallis Herschel Holland, Frank Holland, Ida Kerth, Anna Krummel, Lucy Livings, Eva Long, Florence McCallum, Susie McCallum, Katie McHenry, Harry Nash, Ella Schroeder, Corinne Schenck, Callie Thiebaud, Ollie Thiebaud, Eugene Tardy, Charlie Turner, Birda Ward, Susie White.

Lucinda Boyd, Emma Brockschlager, James Brown, Lullie Dupraz, Jennie Eaglin, Bertie Freeman, Carroll Greenleaf, Chrissy Holcraft, Lena Knox, Nellie Long, Carrie McCrellis, Sallie Mullen, Eugene McMakin, Willie Manning, Nettie Phillips, Loulie Protsman, Ida Rochat, Fred Schroeder, Clarence Stevens, Eddie Waldenmier.

Maggie Chateline, Belle Dupraz, Lou Grisard, Florence Graham, Lida Gilbert, Affra Haskell, Rhoda Krummel, Belle Thiebaud, Annie Trafelet, Josie Trafelet, Ella Waldo, Anna Works, Wm. Backes, Wm. Cossairt, Edward Fallis, Paul Grisard, Joseph Greenleaf, Clarence Holdcroft, Jesse Knox, John Knox, John Lindenschmidt, Fred Livings, Henry McMakin, Walton Outcalt, Eugene Peelman, Harry Tardy, Charles Trafelet.

Addie Bell, Hannah Brown, Flora Cole, Nora Cole, Eva May Craig, Katie Davison, Addie Eblin, Opha Fuget, Ella Hilderbrand, Netta Knox, Frances Lindenschmidt, Sallie Lamunyon, Joda Miller, Isabelle McKay, Joetta Mead, Ada McCallum, Fanny Peelman, Perle Schenck, Lizzie Schewe, Winnie Adkinson, Charlie Brown, Alva Baxter, Philip Burns, Clarence Belden, Percy Buschman, Sidney Dupraz, Willie Fallis, Lucien Harwood, Willie Hilderbrand, Ernest Holland, Benny McHenry, Pemberton Pleasants, Paul Stepleton.

Milton Boerner, Hedden Baird, Willie Bledsoe, Winnie Brown, Josie Brockschlager, Dora Brown, Marie Costa, Lillie Cole, Annette Danglade, Anna Fish, Leota Floyd, Grace Findley, Josie Findley, Willie Gilbert, Ray Golay, Emma Grisard, Nellie Gentry, Grace Harwood, Dora Hollcroft, Gilmore Kerth, Dora Kincaid, Emma Lamunyon, Bryant McMakin, Daisy McCallum, Mittie McCallum, Luella Moxley, Ida Martin, Effie Marble, George Nichol, Clarence Plew, Florence Pleasants, Anna Patton, Luella Rayl, Vadah Rayl, Minnie Robertson, Clarence Shaw, Grace Snyder, Lottie Simpson, Ettie Simpson, Mattie Stratford, Maude Siebenthal, Andy Tower, Lenore Tardy, Carroll Walton, Bennie Waldenmeier, Lillian Works, Zada Yonge.

Harry Adkinson, Amie Brown, John Boyd, Clarence Banta, Willie Cole, Connell Cole, Drusie Cole, Josie Costa, Jennie Cayton, Dail Danner, Lulie Day, Eddie Fallis, Tommie Fursell, George Golay, Willie Graham, Juniatta Graham, Grace Griffith, Myrna Griffith, Joseph Hollcroft, Lena Heady, Anna Hollar, John Johston, George Johnston, Charlie Jones, Bernard Jones, Nellie Jones, Lulie Joyce, Chas. Kincaid, John Lamunyon, Ida Long, Jennie Mullen, Eva Mullen, Garnet Oakley, Tenie Protsman, Bessie Peelman, Emma Reinecke, Frank Schewe, Laura Simmons, Etta Simmons, Mamie Snyder, Minnie Sampson, Irene Simpson, Johnnie Towers, Downey VanPelt, Clifford Weales, John White, Fannie Wallon.

Eddie Anderson, Guy Belden, Minnie Brochschlager, Ruth Boyd, Rufert Cole, Metta Cole, Gertrude Curry, Frank Dupraz, Loring Dufour, Bettie Daily, Bertha Fish, John Golay, Robert Hinderbrand, Freddie Haskell, Barrett Leap, Inez Long, Rosa Lorch, Flora Rochat, Minnie Searcy, Sallie Shaw, Freddie Tardy, Pearl Turner, Edith Worstell.


  • Promoted to First Year High School—Elizabeth Simpson.
  • Promoted to Sixth Grade—Francis Peddy, Nannie Hamilton.
  • Promoted to Fifth Grade—Carrie Tolliver, Henry Simpson, June Simpson, Sallie Roberts.
  • Promoted to Fourth Grade—Adah Simpson, Cora Williams, Howard Simpson, Pearlie Bell, Lulie Neal.
  • Promoted to Third Grade—Frank Neal, Flora Strafford.
  • Promoted to Second Grade—Anderson Evans, Annie Robinson, Albert Lewis, Hattie Washington, Jimmie Smith, Mary Simpson.
  • Promoted to First Grade, A Class—Amos Estel, Florin Peddy, Johney Willis.