Vevay Town Council – 9 Apr 1868

The Vevay, Switzerland County, Indiana town council proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 9 Apr 1868 – Page 2, Column 2

Proceedings of the Town Council

The Town Council met at the Court House last Monday night. The Clerk has kindly furnished us with the following synopsis of its proceedings:

The following bills were allowed:

  • H. A. Downey, $15.00, for legal services in having certain streets and alleys opened, and drafting ordinance, and other services.
  • Andrew J. Elder, $36.65, for graveling side walks leading to the Public School House.
  • Will M. Smith, $2.75, for drafting contract with Owen & Davies.
  • James Kincaid, $27.00, for rock and work on Washington Street culvert.
  • Alfred Stow, $30.00, for services as Marshal, for the months of February and March.
  • Armstrong & Fugitt, $7.00, for repairing ring bolts at Washington Street grade.
  • Messrs. Ormsby & McCrellis $15.00, for legal services rendered by drafting an ordinance for the marking and impounding of hougs.
  • David Forsall, $1.00, for hauling off two dead hogs, per order of Marshal.
  • George H. Kyle, $20.00, for drafting plat of Vevay Cemetery.

Henson Bright presented a bill of $3.50 for hauling off seven dead hogs, at different times, which on motion, was referred to committee on claims.

On motion an order to have certain streets and alleys opened, was indefinitely postponed.

On motion the Marshal is directed to enforce the ordinance of feeding and hitching teams in the streets.

On motion, the Trustees were allowed an order on the Treasurer for $24.00 each, for services during the present year.

The Clerk was directed to order an election of Corporation Officers for the ensuing year.