Vevay Town Trustees Proceedings – 6 Aug 1867

Vevay, Switzerland County, Indiana town trustee proceedings appeared in:
Vevay Reveille – 6 Aug 1867 – Page 2, Column 1

Proceedings of Town Trustees.

The Trustees of this place met at the Court House last Tuesday night—Isaac Stevens presiding.

The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting, and called the roll. All present except G. W. Teats.

Wm. Smith, Superintendent of Vevay Cemetery, submitted a report for the five months ending Aug. 1st, from which we learn that the number of internments made in the Cemetery during that time was as follows:

  • March – 3
  • April – 4
  • May – 1
  • June – 2
  • July – 3
  • Total – 13

Mr. Smith was authorized to confer with the Supervisors of Road Districts Nos. 11 and 16 in regard to the mud hole at the head of Cemetery lane.

H. A. Downey was employed to revise and compile the Corporation Ordinances.

A. Stow submitted his report as Health Officer, Marshal and Street Commissioner, for the months of May and June, from which we learn that he inspected all the outhouses, streets, alleys and cellars, and had such as required it cleaned and disinfected. During that time he also made seven arrests.

The following bills were allowed:

  • D. Roberts, for painting at Cemetery, $2
  • Perry Raymond, for planting ring-bolt at Ferry street grade, $4
  • W. J. Baird, for printing, $15.75
  • Philip Strain, for work on streets, $4
  • Robert Smiley, for rock for Washington street, $14
  • David Fursel, for removing dead animal, 50 cents
  • Wm. Smith, for three months services as Superintendent of Cemetery, $25
  • A. Stow, for services as Marshal one month, $12
  • O. D. Thompson, for services as Clerk, $25

Josiah Jackman was employed to survey the alley running from Ferry to Liberty street, between Main and Pike.

J. W. Gray and G. W. Hawthorn, were appointed a committee to visit the business men and principal tax payers, and learn their views and wishes in regard to building a grade at the foot of Ferry street, suitable for a steamboat landing.

The Committee on Streets and Landings were instructed to procure one hundred perch of rock and gravel and have spread on the grade at the foot of Washington street.

The Clerk was ordered to send a remonstrance to the County Commissioners, at their next session, against granting the petition of D. Armstrong, A. Thiebaud and others, to have certain streets vacated.

The Marshal was instructed to notify persons who have fenced in streets and alleys, or parts of them, to open them on or before March 1, 1868.

O. D. Thompson, Clerk, resigned, and G. P. Tinker was appointed to fill the vacancy.