Dearborn County 1826 Court Notices

The following Dearborn County, Indiana court notices were published in Indiana newspapers in 1826. Dearborn County suffered a courthouse fire on 6 March 1826 that destroyed all records. See Dearborn County Reconstructed Records for more details.

Indiana Palladium – 10 Jan 1826 – Page 3, Column 5


October Term, 1825.

Charles Vattier, assignee, &c. vs. James Conn} On foreign attachment, in debt.

Now came the plaintiff, by George H. Dunn, his attorney, and on his motion it is ruled and ordered, that notice of the pendency of the aforesaid writ of attachment be published for four weeks successively in the Indiana Palladium, a public newspaper printed and published in Lawrenceburgh, Dearborn county, Indiana; and notifying the said James Conn that unless he be and appear before the Judges of our Dearborn circuit court, at their term on the first Monday in October next, file special bail, receive a declaration and plead to the action aforesaid, judgment will then be entered against him by default, and the land so attached sold for the benefit of his creditors.


January 19, 1826.

Indiana Palladium – 20 Jan 1826 – Page 3, Column 5


October Term, 1825.

Torena Love vs. John Love} BILL FOR DIVORCE.

Now came the complainant, by George H. Dunn, her attorney, and proved to the satisfaction of this court, that the said John Love is not now a resident of this state, it is therefore ruled and ordered by the court, that notice of the filing of the aforesaid bill of complaint, or libel for divorce be published four weeks successively in the Indiana Palladium, a public newspaper printed and published in Lawrenceburgh, Dearborn county, notifying the said John Love, that unless he be and appear before the Judges of our Dearborn circuit court, at their term to be holden in and for said county of Dearborn, on the first Monday in April next, then and there to answer the libel or the bill for divorce aforesaid, or the same will then be tried in his absence.

January 16, 1826.

Indiana Palladium – 20 Jan 1826 – Page 3, Column 5


By virtue of three writs of venditioni exponas issued from the Clerk’s office of the Dearborn circuit court, I will expose to public sale on Saturday the 18th day of February next, at the Court House door, in the town of Lawrenceburgh, between the hours of ten and four o’clock on said day, the use or rents and profits for the term of seven years, of ninety acres of land, being a part of West half of Section No. 13, Town 7, Range 1 West. And should said rents and profits for seven years, not sell for a sum sufficient to discharge said writs, I will, on the same day, time and place, and between the same hours, expose at public sale, the fee simple right and title of Isaac Meatler in & to said tract or parcel of land, to pay and satisfy two judgments in favor of Robert J. Moore, and one in favor of William Baldwin, against Isaac Meatler and Julius Smith, and Isaac Pursel replevin security.

Lawrenceburgh, Jan. 20, 1826.